1.4 Thematic Analysis 2: Presenting Books with Digital Display (Migrated NLS Project Blog Post)

Our brief from the NLS states, “When we put books in cases, we are changing them from literature into exhibit, and in doing so saying something additional to the content of the item itself.” However, in a simple traditional book display, the viewer is allowed access to only one spread – two pages of information from which to interpret the entire book. In light of this, I want to consider the following question: can digital display help solve the problems traditionally associated with the display of books? In order to explore two avenues of answers to the above question, I will separate books into two categories: significant books (valued primarily for their contents), and beautiful books (valued primarily for their visual properties), and look at digital display in conjunction with an example of each type. While these are not mutually exclusive classifications, most books will fall more heavily into one category or the other. Loxley et al., state that “an emphasis on showing...